After the Meet
Results will be posted on the website (in the "Meet/Event Calendar") a day or so after the meet.
Ribbons are printed and filed the morning after the meet. They will be available for pickup starting Wednesday evening during practice. File boxes are located on the second floor of the poolhouse, under the record board at the top of the stairs. If there is a problem or you have missing ribbons, please let us know (email [email protected]).
"Doughnut Practice" - every Wednesday after a meet (during morning practice only) we will have Doughnut Practice. The coaches bring doughnuts for the kids, who get a break from their normal practice routine to enjoy games and activities. "Sharks and Minnows" and diving board games are favorites of the younger swimmers. The older swimmers enjoy games like water polo. Even if you had a late night the night before, Doughnut Practice is a fun way to celebrate and get excited for the next week.