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Mark Up Instructions

Note that the Entry List format has changed slightly since these photos, but the information is still the same!

Before each meet we will post an Entry List or you can find heat and lane information on the SwimTopia app. It will be very helpful if you can mark up your swimmer prior to arriving at the meet. Use a black sharpie. Be sure to apply sunscreen at least 20 minutes before marking up your swimmer, or just avoid applying sunscreen to that area. Sunscreen will make the sharpie melt right off.

Below is an example of an Entry List:

First, write your swimmer's name and GHP on their right shoulder blade.

Next, write their events on their inner forearm (either arm). Leave the heat and lane columns blank for relays since these may change (the bullpen parents will fill these in for your swimmer when they arrive at the meet).

And last, mark their relays on their upper right arm (bullpen workers will mark lane and position).

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