Meet Signup
Signup deadlines are 12:00 noon the Thursday (Tuesday for Fall Team) before each meet. You will not be able to enter your swimmer or make changes after this deadline. The coaches may be able to get your swimmer in the meet after the deadline, but you will not be able to request events (they will just put your swimmer in an empty lane where available) and your swimmer may not be placed on a relay.
Please sign up as early as you can - we recommend signing up for all meets at the beginning of the season. You can always go back in and edit at any time before the deadlines. It is important to sign-up for every meet, whether your child will attend or not (just indicate "not attending" if your child won't be there). Knowing that a child will NOT be there is just as important as knowing that they will.
A note about event selection: This is NOT a guarantee that your child will be placed in those events. This is simply a way for you to indicate which events your child would LIKE to swim. Please understand that the coaches will make the final decision about event selection for your child - a lot of factors go into this decision - you are merely indicating a preference if your child has one.
A note about entry times: In the list of eligible events you will see seed times listed for each of your swimmer's events. If a swimmer does not yet have a time in an event you will see "NT" for "No Time". Seed times will be updated with year round and time trials times before the first meet. Also times will be updated before each meet with results from the previous meet so they will likely change throughout the season. Signing up for events early in the season will not affect the updating of times. The coaches will use a swimmer's most recent and fastest times when creating the entries for a meet.
If your child may be late for the meet or may need to leave early: Please use the notes section to let the coaches know about your situation (so they can be sure to only schedule events when your child will be there). Please also indicate your swimmer's availability for relays, so that the coaches do not place your child in a relay which they might miss. Missing a relay means the 3 other swimmers on your team also miss their chance to swim.
A note about relays: Meets can last for hours - often until 8 or 9pm or even later! 6 & under swimmers will be finished early (about halfway through the meet) and only have one relay at the beginning of the meet. But for all other swimmers - the first and last event of the meet will be a relay, and most (but not all!) swimmers will be placed on a relay team if they indicate they are available (on the meet signup page). If you are placed on a relay, you will be expected to arrive on time and stay through the end of the meet. If you cannot commit to stay until the very end, no matter how late, please check the box that your child is unavailable for late relays.
How to Sign Up for Meets:
Log in to the website. If you can’t remember your password, click "Forgot your password" to reset your password.
- Under the Meets & Events tab, select "Meet/Event Calendar".
- Select a meet.
- Click the green MEET ENTRY tab, and then click the Edit tab under your athletes' names.
- For each of your athletes, select an option from the drop down list next to their names.
- (undeclared)
- Attending
- Not Attending
- You may select up to two individual event requests by checking the box next to the event. If your child does not have a preference, simply leave the event selections blank and the coaches will place your child in the appropriate events.
- Specify your swimmer's availability for relays from the drop down options.
- Add a note for the coach if needed. Include arrival or departure time if arriving late or leaving early.
- Click Save to record your choices.